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各种联轴器 英文的PPT教案学习.pptx

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各种联轴器 英文的PPT教案学习.pptx

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各种联轴器 英文的PPT教案学习.pptx



各种联轴器 英文的
Shaft couplings are used in machinery for several purposes the most common of which are following: 1. To provide for the connection of shafts of units that are manufactured separately such as a motor and a generator, and to provide disconnection for repairs or alterations. 2. To provide for misalignment of the shafts or to introduce mechanical flexibility. 3. To reduce transmission shock loads from one shaft to another. 4. To introduce protection against overloads. 5. To alter the vibration characteristics of rotating units.
Shaft couplings will be used under the following conditions: 1. With shafts having collinear axis, that is, axis in the same straight line, rigid or flexible couplings of various form are used. 2. With shafts having intersecting axis, a Universal Coupling is employed. 3. With shafts whose axes are parallel and at a relatively small distance apart, the double slider crank principle of mechanism is used.
A shaft coupling should have the following requirements: 1. It should be easy to connect or disconnect. 2. It should transmit the full power of the shaft. 3. it should hold the shafts in perfect alignment. 4. It should have no projecting parts.
Sleeve Coupling
It is the simplest type of rigid coupling, made of cast iron. It consists of a hollow cylinder whose inner
diameter is the same as that of the shaft. It is fitted over the ends of the two shafts by means of a jib
head key. The power is transmitted from one shaft to the other shaft by means of a key and a sleeve. It is, therefore, necessary that all the elements must be strong enough to transmit the torque.
Sleeve coupling
Rigid Couplings provide a connection between two perfectly aligned shafts.
Flange Coupling

A flange coupling usually applies to a coupling having two separate cast iron flanges. Each flange is mounted on the shaft end and keyed to it. The faces are turned up at right angle to the axis of