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Go With TransportationPPT教案.pptx

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Go With TransportationPPT教案.pptx

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Go With TransportationPPT教案.pptx



文档介绍:Go With Transportation
hoverboard n. 飞翔器
smooth adj. 平稳的
float v. 漂浮
transporter n. 输送器
second n. 秒
show n. 节目;展览
space n. 太空;空间
spaceship n. 宇宙飞船
Have you ever used a skateboard? Would you like to?
Do you think skateboards are dangerous?
What does a hoverboard do?
My name is Sam.
What type of transportation would I like to see in the future? I would like to see hoverboards. A hoverboard would be like a skateboard, but it wouldn’t have any wheels. It would go really fast and the ride would be so smooth.
How would a hoverboard float? I have no idea! But it would be great, wouldn’t it? I hope someone invents one.
I think someone should invent a transporter, too. A transporter would send you from one place to another place very very quickly.
It takes eleven hours to fly from Canada to China today. But with a transporter, it would take a second.
You know that sunlight is energy, right?
Well, I think a transporter would make you into energy, Energy can go very fast.
I like to watch TV shows about space and space ships. They are shows about the future ,not about today !In those shows ,people use transportations all the time.
Have you ever used a skateboard?
skateboard n. & v.
1) n. 滑板。This is a picture of a skateboard. 这是一幅滑板图。
vi. 踩滑板,参加滑板运动。
go skateboarding去溜滑板
skate n. & vi
1) n. 滑冰鞋 a pair of skates一双滑冰鞋
2) v. 滑冰 go skating 去滑冰
What does a hoverboard do?
1) What do/does+主语+do?
What do you do? 你是干什么的?
What does Danny do? 丹尼是干什么的?
2)What +be+主语?
What are they? 他们是干什么的?
What is that boy? 那个男孩是干什么的?
What are you? 你是干什么的?
It would go really fast and the ride would be so smooth. 它会飞的相当快而且乘做起来是那样平稳。
smooth adj. & v.
1)adj. 光滑的;平坦的,反义词rough。
The silk feels smooth. 这种丝绸摸起来很光滑。
The sea looks calm and smooth. 海面显得


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