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文档介绍:千兆以太网组网 Gigabit working David G. Cunningham William G. Lane ?以太网 1976 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center ?1980 年, DEC 、 Intel 和 Xerox 提出以太网协议标准。?以太网的设计目标( The original goals) : ?简单( Simplicity) ?价格低( Low cost) ?兼容性( Compatibility) ?寻址灵活( Addressing flexibility) ?公平性( Fairness) ?先进性( Progress) ?高速( High speed) ?低时延( Low delay) ?稳定性( Stability) ?可维护性( Maintainability) ?层次结构( Layer architecture) ?以太网的(The Non-goals) ?全双工(Full-duplex) ?差错控制(Error Control) ?安全性(Security) ?速率灵活性(Speed Flexibility) ?优先级(Priority) ?不设防(Hostile User ) 以太网的发展进程(The Development of ) ? 10BASE5 ? 10BASE2 ? 10BROAD36 10Mbps,broadband,3600mCATV cable ? 10BASE-T 10Mbps,baseband,over two twisted-pair cable ? 100BASE-T4 ? 100BASE-FX ? 1000BASE-CX ? 1000BASE-LX 1000Mbps,long wavelength over optical fiber ? 1000BASE-SX 1000Mbps,short wavelength over optical fiber LLC -- Logical Link Control MAC Control ( optional ) MAC -Media Access Control Reconciliation GMII PCS PMA PMD MDI Medium Media Dependent PHY Group Data Link Medium Dependent Interface IEEE 以太网参考模式 Reconciliation MII PLS PMA MDI Medium Reconciliation AUI PMA MDI Medium AUI 1 - 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 100- 1000 Mbps Gigabit -RM MAC Client Sublayer - LLC,Bridger entity MAC Control ( optional ) MAC -Media Access Control Reconciliation GMII PCS PMA PMD MDI Medium Media Dependent PHY Group Physical Coding Sublayer Physical Medium Attachment Sub. Physical Medium Dependent Sub. Mdium Independent Interface Data Link Medium Dependent Interface 千兆以太参考模式协调一致 1000 Base-X Gigabit -RM MAC Client Sublayer - LLC,Bridger entity MAC Control ( optional ) MAC -Media Access Control Reconciliation GMII PCS PMA SX-PMD SX-MDI 1000 Base-X PHY Mdium Independent Interface Data Link Medium Dependent Interface 协调一致 LX-PMD LX-MDI CX-PMD CX-MDI LX 光纤 SX 光纤 150 平衡铜缆? IEEE 1980 ? IEEE - 1995 ? IEEE &y - 1997 全双工 (交换机端口 - 网站) ? IEEE -1998 ? IEEE - 1998 VLAN tagging 介质访问控制(MAC) IEEE 标准和增补