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文档介绍:- PepsiCo Confidential - 长沙百事饮料有限公司火灾应急预案- PepsiCo Confidential - Objectives 主题疏散演****的重要性? According to the governmental requirements, all corporations anize emergency drills periodically and develop an emergency action plan 根据国家相关规定,所有的企业必须定期组织消防演****和制定应急预案。? Evacuation drills are required from STEZ corporate guideline 疏散演****依据根据 STEZ 方针制定。 Importance of evacuation drill Standardized evacuation procedure Emergency action Ensure safety 遵循标准疏散程序? The emergency evacuation procedure has been updated and standardized by the LM 紧急疏散程序标准的制定与更新由 STEZ LM 负责。紧急响应? All employees should have sufficient emergency action knowledge. 所有的员工应掌握相关应急的常识。确保安全? Safety knowledge and effective evacuation can improve the protection of staff and property. 通过安全方面知识和有效的疏散演****可保护员工和公司财产安全。- PepsiCo Confidential - Guard 警戒组: Security 安保? Responsible for guarding 负责警戒? External strengths to guide the rescue 引导外部救援力量? Scene protection 保护现场 Rescue 抢险组: Company maintenance personnel and engineers 公司维修人员及工程师? Maintenance of emergency equipment 设备抢险检修? Ensure the power supply 动力供应确保 Support 支援组: PAM The provision of relief material 救援物质提供 pany's property 公司财产转运 munication 通讯确保 Evacuation : 疏散组:P* The immediate evacuation of the on site staff 立即疏散现场员工* Maintain appropriate contact 保持相应联络 Emergency Action Team 紧急对策小组组长: GM 副组长:厂长、 EHS ? Fully responsible for handling emergencies 全权负责紧急事件的处理? External information distribution 对外发布信息? Start the emergency action plan mand 现场指挥: EHS Engineers * On site direction 现场指挥* Co-ordinate the work 协调各组工作* Rescue guidance 救援指导 Emergency Contact: 紧急联络方式: 公司: 84875888-203 、 359 消防: 110 医疗: 120 公司各部门负责人联系方式见附件: Drill Response Team 演练响应小组- PepsiCo Confidential - Emergency Evacuation Route - office building 紧急疏散路线长沙百事可乐厂区各部门人员疏散图出货区仓库 MEM 水处理冷冻间锅炉房 CIP 间主剂库仓库仓库仓库污水处理西门配电间灌注间原材料仓库食堂行政办公垃圾站中富车间 NCB 营运 PET 线 PET/RB 线 CAN 线中富车间糖库北门溶糖间疏散须知: 1、发生火灾时立即拨打电话 119 2、关闭电源,关好门窗 3 、切勿惊慌,用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,按逃生线路图有序撤离 4、在集合点立即汇报到达情况南门您当前的位置逃生线路疏散集结点- Pepsi