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文档介绍:摘要 I 摘 要 现阶段,我国城乡居民生活水平、生活方式、饮食营养、卫生保健等发生了实质性变化,生活条件得到极大改善。在人口城市化、老龄化及生活方式转变等因素的影响下, 居民健康行为、疾病模式和健康需求也发生了变化。因此,展开对人口健康及健康转变研究具有非常重要的现实意义。本文以人口学、公共卫生与预防医学的学科交叉为理论基础,对资料进行定性分析的基础上,适时穿插数据图表进行定量研究。通过评价和阐述人口健康指标,发现我国人口死亡率、死因构成、各类疾病发病率以及整体健康水平都发生了重大改变。在此基础上,进一步剖析了影响人口健康转变的主要因素,探究人口健康转变对卫生服务新的需求。针对这些问题,提出关注人口不良出生结局,在生命早期预防慢性病,关注改善生活质量超过疾病治疗,加大对老年人的公共卫生投入,提高人口健康水平。 关键词人口健康 健康转变 卫生资源配置 健康预期寿命 Abstract II Abstract Nowadays, the living standards 、 life style and daily diet of the Chinese citizens have had substantial changes and the living conditions has also improved greatly. With the influence of urbanization, aging and the changes of life style, great changes in the citi zens’ health behavior, disease patterns and health requ irements have taken place. Th erefore, the research on human health and the changes in human health is of great significance. Based on the junction of demology and health care in theo ry and qualitative analysis of the data, this thesis inserts some chart to perfect the research and by the a ssessment and elaboration of health standards, our research finds the mortality rates of huma n beings, the main reasons for death and the entire health level have changed a lot too. This thesis also further analyzes the influencing factors of human health and explores the new re quirements of sanitary service in the changes of human health. To solve these problems, this research focuses on the bad e of human birth, appeals to prevent the chronic diseases from the early ages, pay more attention to the life quality than the treatment of the diseases, to increase the elderly public health investment and improve the level of human health. Keywords Population Health Health Chan g Health Resource Allocation Health Life Expectancy 第 1 章绪论 1 第 1 章 绪论 课题研究的背景及意义 随着社会经济的迅速发展和医疗水平的不断提高,我国人民群众健康水平明显改善,居民健康主要指标处于发展中国家前列。严重威胁群众健康的重大传染病得到有效控制,地方病严重流行趋势得到有效遏制。现代化、工业化和城市化的进程改变着社会的各个方面:改变着社会状况,改变着人们的思维方式,改变着人们的工作和生活方法,在这