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上传人:lu2yuwb 2021/6/26 文件大小:963 KB




The novel Gone with the Wind is one of the most popular American novels. The story takes place in the Southern plantations before the American Civil War. This paper focuses on the rebellious and pioneering spirit of Scarlett undoubtedly reflecting the heroine’s pursuit of self—awareness and liberty. Scarlett's feminism is reflected respectively before the war,during the war and after the war,which reveals the vivid picture of Scarlett's character in the novel. Before the war,Scarlett abandoned etiquette and restraint that a lady should have at that time and dared to pursue her real love. Her anger exploded after she was refused. Thus,feminism is reflected in the action of Scarlett completely. During the war,in order to survive,Scarlett discarded elegance and grace that a lady should possess.She searched the economic and life independence which was really challenged to males. After the war,Scarlett broke all the conventional shackles and dared to seek for her self-value.From the above analysis, it is easily drew the conclusion that Scarlett represent the awakening of new generation. This paper gives women in modern society new sprite to overcome their hardships. Even though women in modern society suffer more than man, especially for those famous ones, they will do best with their own wisdom and their hands.
Key words: Gone with the Wind ;feminism ;self—awareness and liberty
1 Introduction
The background of this novel
Atlanta native Margaret Mitchell's 1936 novel of the Civil War (1861-65) and Reconstruction in Georgia, Gone With the Wind, occupies an important pla


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