本文通过分析浏览器/服务器结构的特点并结合选课的实际情况,提出了基于浏览器/服务器结构网上选课系统的基本设计思想,简要介绍了系统各功能模块及数据库的设计,着重讨论了用技术和SQL Server 2000开发网上选课系统时的数据库访问技术和动态网页制作技术,并给出了部分实现代码。通过该系统,使学生可以方便地在校园网上进行网上选课。该B/S结构的系统在Windows 平台下开发完成,使用C#的开发语言,SQL Server 2000作为数据库。系统有较高的安全性和较好的性能。,并经过编码加密,增加了灵活性,保护了数据库的安全。代码尽量使用存储过程和尽量减少数据库连接的打开时间等手段来提高性能。
With the development of the enrolling number, the data for daily registry is increasing, too. And always we should goto classroom to enroll. Although this method directly,but result in blindness of the course enrollment and registry data processing of the heavy .In order to reduce the work registry ,and better each student to choose their own favorite subjects .This system is special for the on-line course choosing to design both from the aspect of the student and the teacher. The student can choose the course independently and the teacher can manage the information of the announcing course, also.
This paper gives the basic design idea of the Browser/Server structure based online course elect system by analyzing the characteristic of the Browser/Server structure bining with the actual public elective courses conditions of our introduces the function module and database design briefly,followed by a discussion on database accessing technology and the active page technology of the course elect system based on and SQL Server using this system,students can elect courses online Browser/Server structure system is developed under platform in Windows XP operating system, using C# as development language and SQL Server 2000 as the database. This system is of higher security and better performance. The ch