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南京地区中暑天气条件指数研究预报 气象科学,2001,21(2):246-252
1995 Chicago heat wave
No official "death toll" . Figures show that 739 additional people died in that particular week above the usual weekly average
Most of the victims were elderly poor residents of the inner city, who could not afford air conditioning and did not open windows or sleep outside for fear of crime.
11% more hospital admissions than average for comparison weeks
July 11: 23–32 °C
July 12: 24–37 °C
July 13: 27–41 °C
July 14: 29–39 °C
July 15: 25–37 °C
July 16: 24–34 °C
July 17: 23–32 °C
The 2003 European heat wave Intensive Care Med, 2004 Jan;30(1):1-3.
During the 9 days of extreme temperatures, the summer heat wave was exceptional for the extensive loss of life, which culminated in 14,800 deaths in France . 300 by August 4th, 3,900 by August 8th, 10,600 by August 12th and 14,800 by August 20th. The excess deaths occurred in hospital (42%), home (35%) and “maisons de retraite”(19%).
Heavy casualties occurred in other European countries, namely Italy, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom, where the as yet unconfirmed figures for fatalities are between 1,000 and 5,000 people
The 2006 California Heat Wave: Impacts on Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits. Environ Health Perspect. 2009 Jan;117(1):61-7.
During the heat wave, 16,166 excess ED visits and 1,182 excess hospitalizations occurred statewide.
ED visits for heat-related causes increased across the state, especially in the Central Coast region, which includes San Francisco.
Children (0–4 years of age) and the elderly (≥ 65 years of age) were at greatest risk.
ED visits also showed significant increases for acute renal failure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, electrolyte imbalance, and nephritis.
Heat-Related Deaths After an Extreme Heat Event — Four States, 2012, and United States, 1999–2009. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2013 Jun 7;62(22):433-6.
During June 30–July 13, 2012, 32 deaths from excess


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