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reach out and touch someone.pdf

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reach out and touch someone.pdf



文档介绍:1 Reach out and touch someone... James 5:13-16 Kirklnd Congregational Church United Church of Christ Revs. Tod & Ana Gobledale September 27, 2009 Pray with me, the familiar words that Jennifer read from Psalm 19: May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of all our hearts be acceptable to you, O God, our rock and our redeemer. Amen. Ana:―I feel silly. I do not really want to do this. I do not even think you are real. But Phyllis, tells me I must pray anyway. So, God, I am talking to you...‖ Some ofyou have heard this before, about how I sit in my Chicago kitchen praying out loud. Reaching out for the first time to a God I do not know, and am not sure I really want to know! Phyllis, my spiritual guide, has urged me to set aside my pride and ask for help. Tod:Right, Ana's first attempt at prayer, hardly inspiring. What did God think of that? Now, I reckon her parents had prayed with her and taught her the Lord's prayer. But here is her first attempt as an adult. Ana, would you say that was a prayer under duress? Did you feel a real need to pray? Ana:Yup! Prayer under pressure! Alright, Tod, let us pull out the skeleton from your prayer closet...Tell everybody about your first attempt at publicprayer as a pastor. Tod:Oooh, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, fair enough. My first attempt at prayer in a public and pastoral setting... It