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文档介绍:Press Release Learning to Speak Alzheimer's by Joanne Koenig Coste ? About the Book ? About the Author ? The Five s of Habilitation "A fine addition to Alzheimer's and caregiving collections." — Library Journal starred review "A true godsend for anyone caring for those afflicted with dementia." — Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph. D., coauthor of Decoding Darkness: The Search for the ic Causes of Alzheimer's Disease Should you talk about an Alzheimer's diagnosis with the patient? What is the patient experiencing, and how can you connect with him or her? How can we make the best of the patient's remaining time? Is munication possible? Who cares for the caregiver? About the Book Alzheimer's is continually in the headlines, as such prominent public figures as Ronald Reagan and Charlton Heston grapple publicly with the disease, which afflicts four million Americans, and as the search for a cure continues. In Learning to Speak Alzheimer's: A Groundbreaking Approach for Everyone Dealing with the Disease , Joanne Koenig Coste introduces habilitation. This approach, based on her own experiences caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's, revolutionizes the way we perceive and care for those suffering from the disease, particularly in its early stages. Houghton Mifflin will publish the book in November, to coincide with National Alzheimer's Awareness Month. It has long been thought that after a certain point in the progression of the disease patients are "lost" to the rest of the world. Koenig Coste's new and important message is that it IS possible to municating with Alzheimer's patients and significantly prolong the quality of life for both patient and caregiver. of 3 Copyright ? 2003 Houghton pany. All Rights Reserved. In addition to the millions of Americans suffering from Alzheimer's, an estimated twenty million more — family members, loved ones, and caregivers — are significantly affected by the disease. Learning to Speak Alzheimer's is the first book to offer a


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