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react - hexaware.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/14 文件大小:0 KB


react - hexaware.pdf



文档介绍:REACT ? 2009 Hexaware Technologies. All rights reserved. www. hexaware .com YOUR ESS IS OUR FOCUS The evolution of low cost carriers has tremendously increased petition among the existing airlines. Therefore the airlines have to quickly react to the dynamic requirements for efficient functioning. On the sales and distribution front, the airlines need to determine the current revenue status for each flight based on the booking and actual sale data. However, the following challenges need to be e in order to provide real-time visibility of the revenue status. This led to the demand of revenue management tools which provides strategic data for the management team to analyze instead of probing for information. Lack of single source for booking and sales data Manual processing of voluminous data Error prone and time consuming Data inconsistency and lack of data integrity Huge size of the HOT & RET file Data cleansing and filtering About REACT REACT, Hexaware’s solution accelerator provides the facility to import HOT / RET sales files, correct errors in the sales data to ensure data integrity and accuracy providing data at the right time to decide on various factors to have control over revenue. It is a web application built over technology, which analyzes the booking and the actual sales data of the airline with every updates even before the data is analyzed by the R


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