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react - ibs.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/14 文件大小:0 KB


react - ibs.pdf



文档介绍:Eliminate Missed Deadlines You work hard to increase pany’s bottom line by maximizing e and minimizing expenses. But do you have an ironclad process in place for staying on top of important deadlines? Managing a business es with dozens of easy- to-miss tasks mon oversights – many of which carry measurable financial risk. The REact critical date warning system can help you keep track of time-sensitive items and remind your team to follow through. The result? No more penalties, extra interest accruals and losses stemming from forgotten deadlines. mon Issues REact is applicable for businesses in any industry where missing date-sensitive tasks carries measurable financial risk. ? Missed expiration dates mitment dates on: - Letters of credit - Property tax payments - Debt milestones - Certificates of insurance for vendors - Maintenance agreements ? Oversights due to employee turnover, busy schedules or absence of tracking automation ? plete or disregarded tasks due to poor accountability pletion ? Lack of confirmation that date-sensitive items have been addressed Set Up One-Time or Recurring Tasks A user can set up tasks within REact, whether one-time or recurring, in a way that escalates pliance pletion by automatically generating emails “up the line” as time passes without action. For example, REact might be set up to send a staff member an email reminder for a task that needs