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react application report -.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/14 文件大小:0 KB


react application report -.pdf



文档介绍:Report Number: 120117 Project Title: Nuclear Lift Rig Testing Details of Application: During refueling outages and periodic inspections, the head of the reactor pressure vessel, and/or some internal structures, needs to be removed in order to access the fuel and/or inspection area. Involved here are two different lift rigs, used to link the hook of the polar crane to the load being lifted. These lift rigs are large tubular frameworks with pinned joint connections. These lift rigs have to be inspected at ten-year intervals. Acoustic Emission testing offers two great advantages: it can be done with far less radiological exposure than other methods; and it does not require the removal of contaminated paint in order to perform NDT. Also, AE’s whole-area capability is attractive. Evaluation criteria were developed and follow-up experiences were accumulated, leading to the identification of a code-rejectable MT indication, a galled pin and a jammed plate (collected results from several plants). Savings attributable to the use of AE instead of other NDT methods were estim