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react e-newsletter - oikon.hr.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/14 文件大小:0 KB


react e-newsletter - oikon.hr.pdf



文档介绍:In this Issue: Update on REACT Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). p. 1-4 REACT Final Event. p. 4 petition and Indicators for Carbon Impact. p. 5 REACT Dissemination . 6-7 During the ?rst six months we focused on the ?rst two stages of this process. Speci?- cally, we examined relevant existing SRAs: WATERBORNE TP for the maritime sector; ACARE for the aeronautics sector; ERRAC for the railways sector; and ERTRAC for the road transport sector. All the SRAs share a similar general structure. This includes: (i) high level objectives; (ii) targets; (iii) research areas; (iv) speci?c research ?elds, focus - ing on particular technologies; (v) existing studies in the ?eld of the particular technolo - gies; (vi) attribute categories (., level of maturity; utility for society; achievability within the timeframe; impacts petitiveness; market applicability). The REACT SRA adopts this basic structure. Critically, however, the existing European transport SRAs focus only on particular modes of transport, and primarily on technological aspects. The REACT SRA on climate-friendly transport therefore aims to integrate across multiple transport modes (including non-motorised), and to include social/behavioural as well as technological aspects of transport. Tdiscussions, we produced a draft version of the REACT SRA in March 2010 which has been used in the ?rst


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