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上传人:精品小课件 2021/7/3 文件大小:43 KB





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一、1. 水资源短缺已成为严重问题2. 造成水资源短缺的原因3. 提出解决方案
   On Water Shortage
No one can have failed to notice the fact that water shortage is a grave problem with which the whole world is confronted. Actually, it has become so widespread that it has severely affected people’s daily life and hindered the development of the global economy.
A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following might be the critical ones. First, with the development of agriculture and industry, an increasing amount of water is needed. Secondly, the ever-increasing population is another leading cause of water shortage. Besides, the global tendency of warming up also contributes to the problem. What’s worse, pollution and waste of fresh water aggravate the situation.
In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced to protect water resources. Secondly, people should enhance their awareness of saving water. With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to expect a brighter future.
二、1. 现代生活压力大 2. 不同的人对压力的不同看法3. 我的观点
On Stress
With the accelerating pace of modern life, a growing number of people are living under pressure.
Some people are slaves to pressure. They


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