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文档介绍:Reading The Necklace
Step 1: Lead in
you know who he is?
2. Which novel did you read?
About the author:
Guy de Maupassant(莫泊桑 1850--1893)
A well-known French novelist and short-story writer. He was born in Normandy, France, on August 5, 1850. As a schoolboy, he was very much interested in literature (文学), and won a prize for one of his poems(诗集). So his writing began at an early age, and he became a famous novelist in his thirties. He wrote in the tradition of the19th century French realism(现实主义). Most of his works were about everyday life of the simple humble people. As he had worked in government departments since 1871, he became familiar with the life of government workers. And this helped him create his best short story “The Diamond Necklace”. He had a fine use of irony(讽刺). His style was direct and simple, with attention to realistic detail. All these can be seen from the play we are going to learn.
Maupassant suffered a great deal from illness in his later life. He only lived for 43 years and died in Paris on July 6, 1893. He had a short life, but his works will last forever.
Guy de Mapassant’s Novels
2. A Woman's Life
3. Bel-Ami
4. Boule de Suif 5. Pierre and Jean 6. Apparition Et Autres Contes D'angoisse
A brief introduction to the play:
This is a one-act play(独幕剧), which is based
on Maupassant’s best-known story “The Diamond
There are three characters(角色) in the play:
Mathilde Loisel ma:’ti:ld lwa’zel 玛蒂尔德. 卢瓦泽尔
a young woman
Pierre Loisel pi’ : 皮埃尔. 卢瓦泽尔 Mathilde’s husband, a government worker
Jeanne 3a:n : 让娜 Mathilde’s good friend
Step 2 Fast reading: I. Read Scene 1 and Scene 2 and answer the following questions. Scene 1


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