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一. 完形填空传统教学方法的误区
大家都知道全国标准化高考英语完形填空源于大学完形试题,是出题人故意刁难考生设下的重重陷阱试题之一,满分30分。共20小题,每一组选项四个入选答案,主要考察动词,名词,形容词,副词,介词,连词,每组选项的词性相同,每组四个选项甚至至少两个词义相近。,去掉听力30分,在120分的笔试中,完形填空占据了,四分之一的分值。其目的当然是为了符合“高考是选拔性考试”这一根本目标,所以故意设计交叉陷阱,让高生在此题拉开档次,以便选拔英语人才,也就无可厚非了。但是在传统教学方法中 ,绝大多数老师采取的方法都是:
1. 先看答案,然后边翻译,边看每一个选项,给学生一个一个讲为何选择答案的原因,结果是:实际考试中这种方法耗费时间,得出正确答案的准确率非常低。因为我们发现许多老师也陷入了在每四个入选答案中,有两个及其相似的答案无法选出正确的一个。
2. 名校学生与名校老师课堂引起争议,甚至老师无所适从,无法解释正确答案。
3. 学生苦练刷题,意图提高完形解析能力,结果是:简单完形对一串;难题完形一错错一串,伤害自尊后,放弃完形,最后只能考场依靠运气得分。
Christmas was near. A lady, a friend of the lady and a little girl were shopping in a large shopping center.
After a tiring morning of gift buying, the three 41 to get a bite. They went to 42 in the center. They were 43when a skinny and dirty boy came up and said to the lady,
” Madam, I am hungry. Could you 44 some coins for food? “Without a moment of 45 ,the lady reached into her purse, took out a handful of coins and 46 them in the boy’s hand. This 47 didn’t take the little girl by surprise because she was 48 to the lady’s acts of kindness, but the friend of the lady considered her foolish. “How can you be so 49 ?” she said.
Once they were seated, the fiend of the lady 50 telling the lady how she still considered her foolish. Then her criticism was 51 by the same boy. He asked 52 if the lady could give him a little more for a coke.
With a smile on her face, the lady got out of her seat, and 53 the boy to the food counter. There she 54 him a large coke and some tasty food. Years later, this 55 is still fresh in the little girl’s mind.
 I’m that little girl. I don’t give 56 children money when they ask for some. 57 ,I walked to the closest food place and buy them the whole meal. I’m afraid I don’t give them enough money for a coke  and they might not have the 58 to come back for more. These children should 59 those meals to a lady once considered foolish. I’m60 to call


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