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文档介绍:Part I . Listening Comprehension Section A: 10 Statements
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. Each sentence will be spoken just once. The sentence you hear will not be written out for you. After you hear each sentence, read the four choices in your test paper, marked, A, B, C, and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your Answer Sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of answer you have chosen.
1. A. She should have her ears examined.
She must listen
She didn' t pay
She always does2. A. The plane left
to her teacher.
attention to her teacher' s opinion, what the teacher tells her.
at 12:30 A. M.
The plane left at 12:00 noon.
The plane left at 11:30 P. M.
The plane left at 1:00 P. M.
A. Pat went to the party with John.
John was invited to Pat' s party.
John would not go to the party.
Pat did not go to the party.
A. The tour was worth the time but not the money.
The tour was not worth the time or the money.
The tour was worth both the time and the money.
The tour was not worth the time
A. I wrote you a letter.
I called you.
I let her call you.
I went to see you.
A. There was plenty of time to get there.
We needed more time to get there.
We had to get there in time.
We had a good time when we got there.
A. She failed the test.
She needed more time to finish the test.
In spite of her studying she found the test difficult.
She did well on the test because she studied hard.
A. Despite its being rush hour, there was little traffic.
There was not much traffic because it was rush hour.
There was a lot of traffic because it was rush hour.
Rush hour is before dark.
A. Although she has a scholarship, Ellen cannot attend the University.
Ellen cannot get a scholarship until the University accepts her.
Ellen attends the University on a scholarship.
If Ellen gets a scholarship, she can attend the University.
A. We got goo


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