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英汉称谓语对比研究 毕业论文.doc

上传人:bodkd 2021/7/6 文件大小:75 KB


英汉称谓语对比研究 毕业论文.doc



【指导老师】程 琼 张 婕
I. Introduction 
Language is the mirror of the society, which can reflect all aspects of the society. During communication, appellation is always the first information transmitted to the audience. It is an important part of language. Appellation indicates the two partners’ social roles, social positions, relationships and values. In the communication, people have to bring different appellations to represent the speaker and the audience, . teachers to students, employers to employees, governors to publics etc. In different culture climate, the same appellation may have different pragmatically rules, different pragmatically scopes, and different pragmatically meanings. The difference of using appellation is easy to make misunderstanding in intercultural communication. In order to avoid the appellation pragmatic failures in intercultural communication, the difference between Chinese-English appellation should be learned. This paper based on the compares of the similarities and differences between Chinese-English appellation, and understand the differences between Chinese-English culture. In a word, appellation is an important social linguistic issue. It has important social functions. Accurate understanding and command of appellation can lead to successful results in intercultural


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