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志愿者自我评价 [对志愿者的认识及英文自我评价].doc

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志愿者自我评价 [对志愿者的认识及英文自我评价].doc

上传人:raojun00002 2021/7/10 文件大小:30 KB


志愿者自我评价 [对志愿者的认识及英文自我评价].doc



文档介绍:志愿者自我评价 [对志愿者的认识及英文自我评价]

Internship time: June 20, 20XX ----- June 21, 20XX Location: Harbin Children s Social Welfare Institute First, the purpose of internship Social work is the social (government or social groups) to the spirit of material and services Approach to those who can not rely on external, self and structural reasons to rely on their own power to enter the normal social life of individuals and groups to help them return to social life skills, coordination of social interaction, improve the quality of social life, enhance social well-being of professional method.
I first contacted about four or five years old preschool children, preschool children are divided into small classes, more time or contact with school-age children.
In the ten-day internship, I put their characteristics are summarized as the following three points 1. Most of their warm and fragile pre-school children have specialized child care teachers, morning and afternoon by the professional training of teachers who led the activities, Singing, dancing, learning poetry, etc., they are young and dynamic girl, so the vitality of the yard, a large part from them, this is the wisdom of the hospital. Noon led by the teacher dining, the rest of the time led by the teacher in the be


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