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文档介绍:奥沙利铂加卡培他滨治疗晚期胃癌王红民程先鸣张明莉(湖北武汉汉口铁路医院 430012 ) [ 摘要] 目的: 研究奥沙利铂( Oxaliplatin )、卡培他滨( Capecitabine ) 联合化疗对晚期胃癌的临床疗效。方法: 试验组 45 例采用奥沙利铂加卡培他滨, 3 周为 1 周期;对照组 50 例治疗方法为奥沙利铂加氟尿嘧啶及亚叶酸钙, 3 周为 1 周期;两组均连用 3 周为 1 疗程, 然后评定疗效。结果: 试验组 45 例有效率为 % , 无进展中位生存期 个月; 对照组有效率为 48% , 无进展中位生存期 个月。两组有效率对比差异无显著性( p> ), 但无进展中位生存期比较: 试验组优于对照组( p< ), 分别为 90% 和 % 。主要副作用为静脉炎及末梢神经炎, 血液毒性轻微。结论: 奥沙利铂加卡培他滨是治疗晚期胃癌安全有效的方案。[ 关键词] 胃肿瘤奥沙利铂卡培他滨 Oxaliplatin , Capecitabine in the treatment of patients with advanced stomach cancer Wang Hongmin , Cheng xianming (Hankou hospital Hubei Wuhan . 430010) [Abstract] Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and toxicily of bination of oxaliplatin (Oxa), capecitabine in the treatment of patients with advanced stomach cancer. Methods : 45 patients with advanced stomach cancer confirmed by pathology were enrollod Oxa 130mg/m 2 ,2h d 1 and capecitabine 1250mg/(m 2·· · d) Po, on day 1— 14 ,3 weeks isa cycle , 3cycles were carried out. Results : The overall response rate was % .The overall response of the control was 48%.There was no obvious difference between overall response rates of two groups (p>). The progression free medion duration of responsive patients was months in Oxa — Capecitabine group and months in control(p<),the major side effects include phlebitis and peripheral heuritis. Conclusions : combination of Oxa, Capecitabine is an ef