王 斌1,丁 文1,贾先勇2
(1. 军事经济学院营养食品研究所,武汉 430035; 2. 成都军区物资采购供应站,成都610000)
摘 要 面粉老化和增白是面粉加工中经历的重要化学变化。面粉在增白剂氧化增白、改善品质的同时,还能够灭菌、杀死粉螨和虫卵、改善储藏性能。但面粉中维生素B1和胡萝卜素的氧化分解降低了面粉的营养价值,而过度增白则危害人体健康。本文综述了面粉老化和增白的工艺。无残留增白剂和良好加工工艺能够提高面粉品质,改善面粉质量,对消费者没有显著的危害。
关键词 面粉,氧化,老化,增白,工艺
Review on Aging and Bleaching Technics of Flour
Wang Bin1, Ding Wen1, Jia Xian-yong2
(1. Institute of Nutrition Food, College of Military Economics, Wuhan 430035;
2. Commissary of Chengdu military area, Chengdu 610000)
Abstract: Flour aging and bleaching are an important process undergoes complex chemical change for flour milling. The bacteria, mite and insect eggs are killed in the oxidization and brightening of flour and its quality is improved at the same time. But oxidization and decomposition of vitamin B1 and carotene reduce the nutrition value of the flour. Excessive bleaching is harmful to health. This article reviews the methods for flour aging and baleaching technics. It is concluded that residualless bleaching agent and good control technology can promote flour quality and pose no significant hazard for consumer health.
Keywords: Flour, oxidation, aging, bleaching, technics
中图分类号: 文献标识码: A
作者简介:王斌(1964-)男,汉族,军事经济学院军需系副教授,博士,研究方向为军用食品科学与工程,电子信箱:******@ 电话:
详细地址:武汉汉口罗家墩122号军事经济学院军需系营养食品研究所 邮编:430035