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文档介绍:英语9上外研版Module 1 : Unit 1优质教案 (精品)
Module 1 Wonders of the world
Unit 1 Wonders of the world?
Teaching style
Listening and speaking
Teaching objectives :
To understand conversations about the school magazine.
To talk about the wonder of the world.
To grasp the key words and the key structur es.
Teaching points :
Main points
Key vocabulary:
Ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, listen up, event
Key structures:
She sings with the Band Crazy feet.
We re having a meeting.
She went to our school.
We ll write the articles.
Difficult points:
To use the different tenses
Teaching method:
Interactive approach
Teaching aids :
Tape recorder, video OHP, handouts, etc
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Revision
Revise some simple sentences in different tenses.
Step 2. Presentation
Show the students the picture of a poster and ask them to talk about it, use t he words in the box to help.
Step 3. Listening
Listen to the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully and
Check the words they hear.
Play the tape once more and let the students choose the best answers
in activity 4
then check their answers.
Play the tape again. Make students read and follow.
Step 4. Answer the questions
Ask the students to complete the answers individually, then check with a partner.
Call back the answers from the whole class, having one student ask and another answer it.
Step 5.


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