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文档介绍:对外经济贸易大学硕士学位论文上市公司啤酒花的担保陷阱案例分析姓名:朱静申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:吴革 20050501 5 中文提要上市公司中互保是一项非常普遍的现象但上市公司互保一旦出现问题公司将面临很大的偿债风险使上市公司相当一段时间内无法恢复元气有的甚至被迫退市所以我选择以啤酒花公司为例对上市公司的担保手段操纵方法及担保动机等进行分析本文共分三部分引言部分简述本文研究上市公司担保的必要性第一章啤酒花公司背景介绍包括基本情况概述啤酒花上市后发展历程主要股东持股情况及啤酒花重大历史事件四部分内容第二章是分析的主体部分首先分析了啤酒花的担保陷阱其次以啤酒花1999年2002年年报为基础通过分析企业的盈利状况债权管理情况和啤酒花的担保金额及净资产数额得出结论上市公司担保陷阱爆发之前是有迹可寻的利润下降及所披露的或有负债的增加可以给我们一些提示接着分析了担保陷阱背后的资本运作才是巨额担保的主因最后分析了恶意担保的危害第三章本案例成因剖析及思考提出上市公司担保项目频繁出问题的原因及完善公司治理的建议并总结了本文的不足本文的研究仅以公开的财务报告信息为依据笔者未能到公司进行实地调查如研究用到的数据与实际情况有误愿得到指正并做进一步修改 6 ABSTRACT pany s warranties for each other has been general phenomenon in the stock this warranties appear problems,the pany must face the great risk of the returning the loan to the this take place,many pany cann t run well .Because of the loan,some pelled to leave the stock respect of these questions,this paper takes Xinjiang Hops ,as the research analysis on its business and financial situation,the interior structure is the means that the panies in the stock market make the warranties for each other,the method of the panies operating and the aim of panyswarranties. This paper posed three parts. First part is the introduction of Xinjiang Hops part includes the contents of the development history and business system and the major stockholders and the share they hold and the great matters of the corporate. Second part is case is the main of the , the paper analyze the panieswarranties .second, on the basis of the past years financial report,through analyzingthe situation of the profit,the creditor s rights management ,the sum of the Xinjiang Hops warranties as well as the situation of the assets,we can make conclusion that the investors can find the clues from the declining of the profit and the increasing of the contingent liabilities before the pitfall of warranties took last, the paper discuss that t