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上传人:jiaoyuan2014 2021/7/15 文件大小:299 KB





文档介绍:Unit 7
Cookery, Food

and Culture
Unit 7
Section 1 Talking Face to Face
Section 2 Being A ll Ears
Section 3 Maintaining A Sharp Eye
Section 4 Trying Your Hand
Section 1 Talking Face to Face
Being All Ears
Listen and Decode
Listen and Complete
Listen and Read
Listen and Respond
Listen and Judge
Listen and Match
Listen to Dialogue 1 and decode the message by finding the correct choices in the blanks according to what you have heard.
Mike and his wife (Jean, Joan, Jane) are going to dine out. They have trouble deciding which restaurant to eat in . Mike mentions a new Italian (palace, place, plant), but his wife says Italian dishes are too (heavy, salty, fishy) for her. Then they look into the dining guide in the newspaper and see that the Spanish seafood restaurant has good (views, reviews, rewards). However, Mike thinks the restaurant will only serve fish dishes.
Listen and Decode
He prefers Mexican food. But his wife doesn’t like (hot, roast, pot) food. And she doesn’t want to go for a pizza either.
Finally, they decide to go to a Chinese restaurant called Golden (Dreamer, Lantern, Dragon). It’s said that this restaurant has something for everybody’s taste. They may also enjoy some Chinese folk ( milk , music, meal ) there.
Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions orally.
1. What was Mike’s suggestion?
He suggested that they go out for dinner/eat out that night
2. What did they do before going out?
They tried to agree on where to go
3. Did they go to a Italian restaurant? Why or why not?
No. Jane said the Italian dishes were too heavy for her
4. Did they go to a Spanish seafood restaurant? Why or why not?
No. Mike thought the Spanish seafood restaurant only serves fish dishes
5. Did they go to have some Mexican food? Why or why not?
No. Jane didn’t like hot and spicy Mexican food.
6. Did they go to have some pizza? Why or why not?
No. J


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