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上传人:新起点 2021/7/15 文件大小:39 KB





  01. Practice makes .
  02. Time is
  03. Easier said than
  04. Where there is a will, there is a .
  05. Look before you .
  06. Knowledge is
  07. God helps those who help .
  08. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成
  09. It’s never too old to ,学到老
  10. No pains, no
  11. Once in a blue
  12. To make the impossible
  13. Failure is the mother of
  14. A friend in need is a friend
  15. First things
  16. Great minds think
  17. Rome was not built in a
  18. All that glitters is not
  19. East or west, home is the
  20. Time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人
  21. There is but a secret to success-Never give up!成功只有一个秘诀-永不放弃!
  22. Where there is life, there is
  23. Beauty will buy no
  24. Better late than
  25. Every little ;积少成多
  26. The shortest answer is
  27. No news is good ,就是好消息
  28. Well begun, half
  29. All for one, one for ,我为人人
  30. One false step will make a great ,谬以千里
  31. Facts speak louder than
  32. As the tree, so the ,种豆得豆