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文档介绍:( 二〇一四年六月本科毕业设计说明书学校代码: 10128 学号: 20 1020102008 题目: 三维雕刻机控制系统设计学生姓名: 李博伟学院: 机械学院系别: 机械系专业: 机械电子工程班级: 机械电子工程 1 0 - 3 班指导教师: 武建新教授摘要在二十一世纪的今天,工业的大力发展来源于机器的发展。雕刻机对于现代工业具有很大的意义,所以说研究雕刻机具有一定意义。雕刻加工涉及到各行各业,有礼品业、广告业、印章业、木器加工业、建筑业、艺术模型业、机械加工、工装模具等行业,由于雕刻机用途广泛,随着社会的发展,雕刻机行业的发展也是必然的,因此, 对雕刻技术的创新是十分必要的。首先是对雕刻机总体结构进行分析,雕刻机一般由 X、Y、Z三轴和主轴组成,X、 Y、Z三轴的移动是通过步进电机带动丝杠来运动,主轴是通过电主轴带动刀具运动。首先要对总体的控制系统进行设计,选择电气元件,进行电路设计。本文研究的是三维雕刻机的控制系统设计,采用 PLC 控制。使用的 PLC 为西门子 S7300 系列。选用好电气元件后,连接电路图,设计控制电路。此次设计是采用 PLC 控制,所以必须进行 PLC 的编程。使用的软件为 STEP7 ,分别对 X、Y、Z三轴的步进电机进行控制,使其实现点位和轮廓控制。主轴通过变频器控制电主轴,使雕刻机在不同转速下运行,使雕刻机可以加工不同类型的产品。关键词:三维雕刻机;控制系统; PLC ; A bstract The strong industrial development in the 21st century today, from the development of the machine. Carving machine has great significance for modern industry, so study carving machine has certain significance. Carving processing involved in all walks of life, has a gift industry, the advertising industry, the seal industry, wood processing industry, construction industry, art, model industry, mechanical processing, tooling and etc, because of engraving machine is widely used, with the development of the society, the engraving machine industry's development is also inevitable, therefore, innovation of carving technology is very necessary. First is to analyze carving machine overall structure, carving machine generally consists of X, Y,Zof three axis and spindle, X, Y,Z three axis movement isa movement by stepper motor drive screw, main shaft through the motorized spindle drive tool motion. First of all to the overall control system design, ponent choice, circuit design. This paper studies the three-dimensional carving machine control system design, PLC control. Using the PLC of Siemens S7300 series. Choose good after ponents, connection diagram, design control circuit. This design is to adopt PLC control, so must be PLC programming. Use of software for the STEP7, respectively to the X, Y,Z three axis stepper motor to control, make its implementation level


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