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上传人:fangjinyan2017001 2021/7/16 文件大小:64 KB





一:Clear your plate
Recently, people come to realize how much grain we wasted every year. And everyone is called on to join a program, called "GuangpanXingdong”, which requires people to eat up all our food.
As for me, i think it's a extremely good idea to follow. And there are lots of things we can do to contribute our efforts to it. For example, when we go out for dinner, we can just order as much
food as we can eat to make sure little will be wasted. Of course if we really can't eat up our food, it's also ok to take it home, so we can eat it later. Besides, once we have a chance to have
meals with other people, who don't realize the importance, we can explain what the program is for and persuade them from wasting food.
Some may question whether the campaign have any effect,but,i think ,one thing we should keep in mind is that no matter what a small effort we make,it do make a difference.
二:Clear up our plates
Hello, everyone! Let me tell you something about "clear up our plates”. In our sholl, we have lunch in the dinning hall every day. We usually can see that some students don't eat up their
food in the plates. Why? Because they take much more food than they need or the food isn't delicious. I think it's very bad because that is a very big of waste food. In this month, our school
asks us to clear up our plates. Everyone should eat up our food and say


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