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文档介绍:I 中文摘要某江河位居于我国西南地区,在该江中上游建造以斜心墙土石坝为挡水建筑物的水利枢纽。水利枢纽以防洪为主要任务,以发电、灌溉等为该地区创造经济价值。本毕业设计侧重于拦河坝段斜心墙土石坝的挡水建筑的初步设计。首先,应用该枢纽的各项具体数据,来确定出工程等级和建筑物的等别。调洪方案初步拟定后,应用列表计算来确定出设计洪水位、校核洪水位、设计泄洪量、校核泄洪量。随后针对土石坝各种坝型方案进行定性分析比对,最终选择斜心墙土石坝。初步拟定出斜心墙土石坝的剖面尺寸后,取其三个特征剖面进行渗流计算,校核渗透逸流处的渗透坡降是否满足要求。本毕业设计采用折线法的 VB 编程进行斜心墙土石坝的稳定分析。最后,对坝体的细部构造进行设计。本设计以《碾压式土石坝设计规范 DL/T5395 -2007 》为基本设计依据。此外参考了与土石坝的有关资料和书籍。由于知识有限,对于本设计中的不妥及错误之处,恳请批阅批评指正。关键词:斜心墙土石坝渗流计算稳定分析毕业设计 II Abstract A river in southwest China ranked, built oblique core embankment of retaining water control structures in the upper reaches of the river. Water Control flood control as its main task to generate electricity and irrigation in the region to create economic value. The graduation project focused on the preliminary design of the ramp core embankment dam section of retaining the building. First, the application of the specific data of the hub, to determine the level of engineering and buildings, etc. do not. After the flood program tentatively, the application list calculations to determine the design flood level, check flood level, the design discharge volume, checking flood discharge. Followed bya qualitative analysis of the various dam embankment dam type parison, the final choice oblique core embankment. After the initial development of the cross-sectional size of the oblique core embankment, whichever of the three characteristic profiles in seepage calculation, osmotic gradient at check permeate slip meets the requirements. The graduation project using VB programming dogleg method of stabilization analysis of oblique core embankment. Finally, the detailed structure of the dam design. The design "pacted embankment dam design specifications DL / T5395-2007" as the basic design basis. Further reference to relevant information and embankment dams and books. Due to limited knowledge, for this design is wrong and wrong, urge marking criticism. Keywords: Inclined Core dam seepage calculation stability analysis graduation III 目录绪论...............


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