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文档介绍:智课网 TOEFL 备考资料托福写作加分句型 172 精华汇总摘要:托福北美写作加分句型汇总 172 精华词句,很好的资料,楼主总结的托福写作中 172 个精华句型,相信一定会对大家有所帮投注,有时间的就多背诵一下,用在自己的托福作文中, 相信会有点睛的作用。众所周知, 托福独立写作从三个方面来评分,即组织、论证和语言。今天我们就将早前整理的一份托福写作加分句型分享给大家,需要的考生看过来了。 Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would bea technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound. 难句类型:层层追加的复杂修饰+插入成分本句也是 ETS 的老套路了,为了把句子变长,就层层追加修饰成分,先又 Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective 所谓一个转折的分句,然后主句是 a strain of critical opinion in the 1920 s predicted that sound film would bea technical novelty ,接着用 that 引导 would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded soun d 的长句嵌套插入成分,来修饰 novelty, 但是实际上这些都不是什么重要的成分,大家只要读出来主句结构和句子的核心意思就是以前有一种预言认为有声电影很快就会消失就行了。译文: 尽管后来人很难理解,但在 20世纪 20年代,一种批判性的意见预言:有声电影是一种将很快淡出公众视线的科技新事物,就像的许多先前把图像和声音结合起来的尝试,这些尝试可以追溯到第一次世界大战。意群训练: Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920 s predicted that sound film would bea technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound. 2