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.知识目标;学生能听、说、认读sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowyt并能通过探究, 掌握这几个词汇读音规律。
.能力目标:增强主动思维和实践意识,提高自主学****能力,提高语言运用能力,提高合 作学****的能力。
.情感目标:学生通过故事的学****明白没有付出就没有收获的道理,培养勒奋努力的好 品质。
Teaching procedures
L Warm-up
T: Hello! Boys and girls. My family is Wu. So you can call me Miss Wu.
Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?
T: Hello, girl. Nice to meet you.
T: Hello, boy. Nice to meet you. In our classroom, how many doors?
How many windows?
Good. We have a big classroom. We study here. We work here. We have fun here.
Miss Wu has a chant here. Let's chant together.
II. Presentation and Practice
T: We have fun every day. /A //A / fun bus duck sun
Look, this is the sun. So what's the weather like?
Ifs sunny.(开小火车读)
T: it's sunny. I can play basketball. I can play football. I like sunny days. What about you?(说个3到4个)
T: What about this cute bird?
Listen. (I'm a bird. I like sunny days.)
Does the bird like sunny days?
Let's be the bird together.
Who can be the little bird? (2 个同学)
Thank you. Look, there are many animals here. They're playing happily. Can you choose one and have a try?
(Thank you, cute rabbit. Wow, cool monkey. Good panda)
T: Look, a farmer is coming. Wliafs his name?
Tom: Hello. I'm Tom. This is my farm.
I have so many animals. And I have some crops. Look, group 1, this is for you, group2, this is for you. And group3, group4.


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