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文档介绍:新编英语 unit2 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast [1]There was once a very rich merchant who has six children, three sons and three daughters. 从前有一位非常富有的商人,他有六个孩子,三个儿子和三个女儿。 He gave his daughters everything they wanted, but they were very conceited and spoiled, except for the youngest, whom they called Beauty. 他满足女儿想要的一切, 但是, 除了小女儿, 两个大女儿都非常自高自大,被宠坏了。小女儿名叫“美女”。 She was as beautiful as she was sweet, and her two sisters were consumed with jealousy. 她既美丽又温柔,两个姐姐为此嫉妒得不得了。[2] One terrible day the merchant learned that he had lost all of his money, and the family was forced to move from their luxurious mansion in town toa small house in the country. 在一个倒霉的日子里, 商人得知自己损失了所有的钱, 全家人被迫从城里的豪宅搬到乡下一个小房子去住。 The sons immediately helped their father with the outside chores. 三个儿子立即帮助父亲张罗起了外面的琐事。 Poor Beauty, she had never lived without servants. 可怜的美女,向来都是仆人照料她的起居。 Now she had to get up before sunrise to light the fire and make the food and clean the house. 现在她不得不在日出前起床,生火、做饭、打扫屋子 But she soon grew accustomed to it and said, "Crying won't improve the situation. 但是她很快适应了这种生活。她说: “哭不会改善现状。 I must try to make myself happy." 我必须努力让自己快乐起来。” Her sisters, on the other hand, stayed in bed till noon and were annoyed that Beauty was not as miserable as they were. 然而,她的两个姐姐每天都睡到正午,并且还为美女不像她俩一样痛苦而生气。[3] A year later, the father received a letter that one of his lost ships had been found and had arrived filled with mer