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上传人:薇薇安 2021/7/26 文件大小:18 KB




文档介绍:Paragraphs for Pronunciation Practice 
Version A
ﻩHi. My name is Polani Pozzani (Use your own name!). It's the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Many Americans celebrate this holiday with family dinners such as this one. Let's take a look and see where this tradition came from. In the year 1620, some Europeans came to North America and settled in what is now Massachusetts. They were called the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims didn't know how to grow crops in the New World, so the Native Americans helped them. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and squash, or pumpkin, how to gather cranberries, and how to hunt wild turkeys. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans "gave thanks" by celebrating the good harvest together.
ﻩWe still eat the same foods on Thanksgiving - roast turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, and for dessert, pumpkin pie. And there is no better place to find people getting ready for this holiday than at the grocery store. We talked with some people here about their plans for Thanksgiving. How do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving?
Version B
How do you gauge a country's well-being? The usual approach is to look at economic indicators like GDP or employment figures, or social ones like literacy levels or crime rates. But in Britain politicians are seeking a much more basic measure of the public's well-being: its happiness.