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文档介绍:代表团 Delegation
国家代表访问团 National Visiting Delegation
友好城市  Friendship Cities(Sister Cities)
进一步推动 To further enhance
全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放  all-sided,multi-levels,more fields open up to the outside world
友好交流工作 Friendly exchange relationships between
深化交流内容 Deepen the exchange contents
落实 implement
落实交流成果 implement the profits of exchange cooperation
外事办  Foreign Affairs Office
农科院 academy of agricultural sciences
盐城工业职业技术学院 Yancheng Institute of industry technology
友好代表团 Godwill delegation
访问 visit
Now follows the general statement of the
莫斯科国际机场 Moscow International Airport
奥列霍沃祖耶沃  Orekhovo—Zuyevskiy
莫斯科州 Moscow Region
纺织工业 textile industry
革命历史城市 A city of rich revolution history
市政府 the municipal government
工商界 industry
企业界 business community
院校人士 academy
专场推介交流会 special introduction exchange meeting
民间交往 non-governmental exchanges
双方 both sides
深入交流 into depth
参会代表 representatives
踊跃提问 ask questions enthusiastically
举行 hold meeting
圣彼得堡 St。Petersburg
彼得格勒  Petrograder
进一步对接交流 in order to deep docking exchange
波罗的海明珠 Baltic Sea Pearl
视察 inspect
斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm
宝莱 Boras
车程 minutes by car
哥德堡 Gothenburg
国家投资项目 national investment projects
国家领导人 national leaders
集团总裁 group CEO
简单休整 simple rest
时尚中心 Fashion center
职能部门负责人 head of functional department
前期准备工作充分 full first-phase preparations
目的明确 clear goal
成员组成合理 re


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