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文档介绍:Vbcabulary ofTEM 4
It was suggested that all government ministers should information on their financial interests.
Discover uncover tell disclose
辨析:*discover — reveal or expose
uncover --- manifest or disclose; reveal:
tell — discover by observation; discern:
disclose — make known (something heretofore kept secret)
As my exams are coming next week, Fll take advantage of the weekend to on some reading.
catch up clear up make up pick up
辨析:*catch up on -一 bring an activity nearer to completion: I must catch up on my correspondence.
clear up --- make tidy: Clear up this litter at once.
make up -一 make up for, make up along, make up over, make up to
pick up take into the mind and understand, typically with speed: picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project 答案:D
Fm surprised they are no longer on speaking terms. It's not like either of them to bear a .
Disgust curse grudge hatred
辨析:*disgust ~ profound aversion or repugnance excited by something offensive: arouse [ awaken / cause / evoke] disgust; feel disgust; hide disgust; return disgust; show disgust; take a disgust
curse 一- an appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall someone or something: call down curse; give curse; heap curses on; pronounce a curse on
grudge --- a deep-seated feeling of resentment or rancor: bear a grudge about the accident: bear a grudge
hatred 一- intense animosity or hostility: bear sb. hatred; bear hatred against sb.; conceive a profound hatred for; create hatred; feel hatred; hold a special hatred for; have a hatred for
Mary hopes to be from hospital next week.
dismissed discharged expelled resigned
考点:同义词 J J
劳辛析:dismiss ■一 end the employment or service of; discharge; allow to leave: be dismissed from school [service / class]
discharge -一 release, as from confinement, care, or duty: discharge a patient; discharge a soldier; be discharged from hospital [military service / from prison / office]
expel 一 fo