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英语论文-The Translation of Chinese Neologisms into English.pdf

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英语论文-The Translation of Chinese Neologisms into English.pdf

上传人:aena45 2021/7/29 文件大小:224 KB


英语论文-The Translation of Chinese Neologisms into English.pdf



The Translation of Chinese Neologisms into English
1. Introduction
Nida points out that “nothing is of greater strategic importance than the
language through which its beliefs are expressed and transmitted and by which
most interaction of its members takes place” (2001:78).
Language, serving as a tool in social interaction, reflects the changes of
social life. Each period has its own features, so does language. The created words
and sayings are neologisms of that age. Neologisms are both a historical and
cultural phenomenon because they record history and preserve culture. By
following the track of vocabulary development, people can trace the cultural and
social evolution.
In 1978, China launched the unprecedented policy of reform and opening-up
to the outside world. With the impact of the sweeping reform and the irresistible
global current, China, by continually adapting itself, has become more integrated
with the world economy to meet challenges and seize opportunities. Compared
with decades ago, the whole nation has transformed beyond recognition ranging
from social framework to subtle psychology. Chinese people have never
welcomed new things and new concepts with so strong desire as now. Whenever
there is something new emerge, material or ideological, people will try all means
to convey them through language, and a sea of neologisms are thus created. The
faster the society is advancing, the more and quicker are the neologisms created,
which are widely spread through mass media. According to some statistics,
hundreds of Chinese neologisms sprout up each year. This phenomenon has been
increasingly arousing the attention of sinologists, translators, Chinese linguists
and even journalists, who have contributed to the research of neologisms i