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毕业设计(论文)题目 家用饮水机外观设计

院(系) 机械学院
专业名称 工业设计
Things to Consider When Buying Home Water Coolers
Adults tend to drink more liquids every day when its easy to dispense at their finger tips. Kids love their liquids when it's really cold. If you've got some problems home waiting for the faucet to get cold then the obvious solution is to keep a bottled water dispenser at home.
Home water dispensers are great because they make sure that your water is always icy so you can save on your utility bills. Water coolers are perfect when placed outside, so anyone can just grab a plastic cup and have their own refreshing drink without having to step inside the house to quench their thirst. Water coolers encourage your children to skip that unhealthy bottle of soda and head for the easier-to-get glass of water which is better for their health. If you run out of water for the bottle water dispenser, those large water bottles are always readily available in any grocery store. If you do not know the best way of how to buy home water coolers, the steps to take are laid out below.
You need to find a bottled water dispenser that is cheap and fits your needs. In order to know how to a buy home water dispenser, you need to know that there are two types of water dispensers available in the market. One is the Point of Use (POU) cooler and the other is the bottled dispenser. POUs need to be connected to your building's water supply in order to function. A POU can chill water just as much as a bottled water dispenser could, but only with the added hassle of actually having to place it only where a water line is available in your home. With a POU water dispenser, you'll never have to lift any heavy water bottle for refill again.
Bottled water coolers, on the other hand, are coolers that can hold 5 gallon bottles of water for easy dispensing. These coolers can be placed


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