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文档介绍:Unit 1
.和某人在一起 stay with sb.
. 收至U某人的来信 / / hear from / receive / get a letter from sb.
.乘飞机去北京旅行 travel to Beijing by plane / air \
.寄给我们一张相片 send us a photo(graph)
. 邀请某人去 invite sb. to ...
.与某人谈论某事 talk with sb. about sth.
.在八月份 in August
. 更便宜更有趣 cheaper and more interesting
.旅游代理人 the travel agent
.问某人有关于 的问题ask sb. a question about...
.拜访某人 visit sb.
.计划去北京的一次旅行 plan a trip to Beijing
\ get the brochure from sb.
.我已收到了 Weiming 叔叔的信。 I 've got a letter from Uncle Weiming.
. 在旅游代理处 at the travel agent 's / agency
. 两个半小时 two and a half hours / two hours and a half
. 1550 元 one thousand five hundred and fifty yuan
. 某物花了某人一些钱 sth. cost sb. some money
.乘飞机从上海到北京旅游 travel from Shanghai to Beijing by plane
.想要做某事 would like to do sth. / want to do sth.
.花某人多少时间做某事? How long does it take sb. to do sth.?
.它要花多少钱? How much does it cost?
.坐飞机从花园城到北京要多少时间? How long does it take to travel from
Garden City to Beijing by plane?
.在那里待两个星期 stay there for two weeks \
. 在二月末 at the end of February
/ &和照片。 Thank you for your letter and photos. \
乘飞机贵些但是更快。 The plane is more expensive, but it is quicker.
我们准备在那里待多久? How long are we going to stay there?
. 在 Mn Ithe north-west of
. 超过 over = more than
.在 inthe centre of
.中国的历史 the history of China
\ ancient buildings
.颐和园 the Summer Palace
.天安门广场 Tian 'anmen Square
.长城 the Great Wall
. ——个巨大的开放区域 a huge open area
.游客们可以看见天鹅在湖面上游泳。 Tourists can see swans swimming
on the lake. /
.很久以前人们用砖和石头建造了它。 People built it a long time ago with
bricks and stones. \ /
.它是一个有着许多古建筑物的地方。 It is a place with many ancient
.在故宫博物院 at the Palace Museum
.从 cOme back from
.名胜古迹 place of interest
Unit 2
. 一位 SPCA 的官员 an SPCA officer
.把小狗遗弃在大街上 leave the puppies in the street
.既饥饿又渴 hungry and thirsty
. 养一只猫作为宠物 keep a cat as a pet
.最喜欢某物/某人like sth. /sb. best
.欢迎来到 welcome to ...
. 更喜欢棕色的那只 prefer the brown one
.残忍地对待动物 be cruel to anima