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Needs Analysis of the Business English Learners in XISU
Needs analysis conducted before a course works for teachers in setting teaching goals, selecting teaching content and materials, and exploring approaches of teaching and learning. Courses which are based on the findings of pre-course needs analysis will better meet the needs of language learners and employers. Under the theoretical framework of needs analysis, this paper is aimed to analyze the needs of college Business English undergraduate with the purpose of investigating what the students’ objective needs and subjective needs, target needs and learning needs so as to judge whether the current BE curriculum can meet the needs of students.
The Classification of Business English Learners
Ellis and Johnson(1994) categorize three types of those learners.
(1) Pre-experience learners. These learners who are always university students without any working experience. They learn the business knowledge mainly from the textbooks chosen by the school. And their need of language skills in real business activities is ambiguous.
(2) low-experience learners. These Learners are lack of effective working experience which is used in some important companies’ settings. Thus, they need
some professional BE training.
(3) Job-experience learners. These learners include different people in a company ranging from employees to managers. Their targets are to choose related business English courses to improve their technique in order to run the company successfully. This thesis is aimed to analyze the needs of college Business English undergraduate studying in XISU.
The definition of needs
Needs are described as objective and subjective ( Brindle, 1989: 65), perceived and felt ( Brick, 1989: 55), target situation / goal-oriented and learning, process-oriented and product-oriented (Brindley, 1989: 63); in addition, there are necessities, wants and lacks ( Hutchinson and Waters,


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