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文档介绍:Section 1
Political: There was increasing public and government concern about binge drinkin g and the con seque nt an tisocial behaviour, particularly in city cen that the Ma rtin is a no ted eurosceptic and in 2002 prin ted 500,000 beer mats and put up 10,000 t o save the pound.
Econo mic: The supermarket bega n selli ng drin ks. This result in people drinking at home and this company lose its competitive J D saved the pound.
Social: J D Wetherspo on does not serve complime ntary crisps with baguettes. Custom ers thought that the fried food is not , they bega n to reduce the wine drink ing. Then J D Wethersp on plc develops a kind of low etha nol wine.
Tech no logical: J D have plasma scree ns and can show TV programmersThere is
a ven tilatio n system (cost ing more tha n 100,000) wt fi ch aims to en sure that customers do not leave smelli ng of smoke.
Legal: The ‘tiedouse 'ystem had been broken by a ruling from the Monopolies cou ld operate. The government concern about binge drinking, so the pub need esta blish a range of rules. There was a law severely limited the number of pubs, so J D as a retailer stepped into market had gotte n many adva ntages.
Stren gth: The kids can eat in the bar pare nts. In additi on, they lower the price of bee r sold to a wide range of real , J D places great importa nee on list