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文档介绍:Book2: Unit 2
Paragraph Development
By Time
1)A better understanding of the features of paragraphs developed by time
2)Comprehend how to select relevant linking devices in developing paragraphs by time
3)Obtain the ability of writing on events in time order.
Teaching objective today
the features and organizational patterns of paragraphs developed by time
relevant linking devices in developing paragraphs by time
writing on events in time order.
Teaching Focus
Leading-in questions:
Paragraph development
The writing need to be arranged in a clear and logical order.
One of the most basic and simplest methods of arranging details in a paragraph is to put them in order. And time order is also frequently used when we need to narrate.
Ordering information by time is especially useful in explaining a process, writing about historical events, or telling a story.
Development by time
Development by time
Organizational structure
(1) warm-up activities: p18
(2) Summary of knowledge:
Pattern of development by time in the paragraph B
The supporting ideas of paragraph B are arranged in chronological order, . from the beginning of a school term to the end of it.
Paragraph development in chronological order is called development by time. That is, all the events are arranged in the same order as they actually occurred.
Development by time
Chronological order brings time sense
Chronological order presents ideas according to the time in which they occurred.
Chronological order means that you begin with the very earliest and then progress to the most recent.
Often simple past tense to tell a story
Sometimes past perfect tense
Development by time
linking Devices
linking devices: words or phrases that help insure a smooth flow of ideas in writing
warm-up activities: p19
Suggested answers to questions: Outline for the paragraph:
Topic sentence: ( see p19)
Supporting ideas:
1. During the first phase of the co