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文档介绍:) What was known about Oliver’s family background?
2) Fagin and Bill Sikes were very worried when Oliver was caught by the police. Why?
3) Who kidnapped Oliver and took him back to Fagin’s house?
4) Why was Nancy in Fagin’s house at the time of Monks’ visit?
2. Write a report for a newspaper about the murder of Nancy, the hunt for Bill Sikes and how he died.
3. Some people think that the bad characters in this book are much more interesting than the good ones. Do you agree? If so, is it important? Write a few paragraphs about some of the main characters and describe your reactions to them.
Unit 8 Dare Mighty Things
1. Warm-up
Do you think you are an optimist or a Pessimist?
Why is it important to have a positive attitude towards life?
What’s your attitude towards study? Optimistic or pessimistic?
What is success made up of according to text 2 ? What’s your idea?
Section A
Word pretest
Keys: B A C B A B C A
4 minutes!
Section A
Please read text 1 as soon as possible and note down your time
Reading skill practice : Recognizing the pattern of details
Reading comprehension practice
keys: C A B B C B B B
Vocabulary building
Semantic variation: C B B A C B
Section A
Stems (basic parts on which many words are built )
1. terr : land; earth
. terrain, terrene, territorial, exterritorial, extraterritor


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