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新人教版 ▏初二下册英语各单元必会知识点,都在这些单选题里了(上)
Unit1. What’s the matter?
(  )1.—Does Jane have________ fever?
—Yes,she does. I think she should go to________ hospital.
A.an;/ B.a;the C./;a D.the;an
(  )2.—Why can't you sleep well?
—Because there is something wrong________ my head.
A.with B.for C.of D.at
(  ) must be_______soon,because I have a date in ten minutes.
A.in B.off C.about D.over
(  )4.—What's the matter?
—My friend hurt her________. She can hardly walk.
A.hand B.neck C.knee D.throat
(  )5.—Where's Lucy?I didn't see her today.
—Oh,she hurt________ when she rode to school this morning. She went to a doctor.
A.she B.her C.hers D.herself
(  ) boy is________ creative that we all like him very much.
A.so B.such C.very D.too
(  ) should________ your eyes after a lot of reading.
A.sleep B.open C.watch D.rest
(  ) _______ a decision to visit Aunt Li the next Sunday.
A.did B.made C.planned D.wrote
(  ) of the bad weather,we had to________ climbing the mountain.
A.look up B.get up C.give up D.keep up
(  )10.—Did you buy that watch?
—No. I________ my money.
A.came up with B.ran out of
C.ran away D.took off
(  ) saw her________ basketball when I walked on the playground this morning.
A.practices B.practiced
C.practicing D.to practice
(  ) you have a toothache,you
1-2 BABCD 6-10 ADBCB 11-15 CAADD
Unit2. I’ll help to clean up the city parks.
(  )1.—We should take good care of ________ old.
—You're right.
A.the B.a C.an D./
(  )2.—Mary takes ________ her mother.
— is similar________ her mother.
A.for;as B.to;with C.after;to D.away;from
(  ) best friend always helps me ________ when I am in trouble.
A.after B.out C.over D.with
(  )4.—No one could answer the teacher's question except Linda.
—Oh,she is really________!
A.beautiful B.outgoing C.happy D.clever
(  )5.—I really want to know ________ the people in the di


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