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The flying fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large bat(蝙蝠)that has got a fox’s head, and that feeds on fruit i 1 of insects. Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes when at rest, and t 2 in great groups when out flying. A group will l 3 in one place for years. Sometimes several hundreds of them occupy(占据)a tree. As they return to the tree toward sunrise, they quarrel a 4 themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight.
Flying foxes have b 5 once a year, giving birth to only one at a time. At first the mother has to c 6 the baby on her chest wherever she goes. Later she l 7 it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby bat falls down to the g _ 8 and squeaks(尖叫)for help. Then the older ones swoop(俯冲) down and try to pick it up. If they f 9 to do so, it will die. Often hundreds of d 10 baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of a tree.
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DIY, which means Do It Yourself, is quite popular in the UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV programs show people how to DIY.
English people like DIY. If there is anything


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