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文档介绍:Unit 3 Our Hobbies
Topic 1 What s your hobby?
Section A(仁爱版)
Section A needs 2 periods.
Main activities: la,3b.
Teaching aims:
.Knowledge aims:Help students to know how to read the new words and phrases and know their meanings;Help students memorize the new words and meanings and understand how to use set the situation for students to master the target language.
.Ability aims:To set the situation for students to use the target language in reality(lb express their hobbies);Arrange some tasks for students to practice their listening and speaking ability.
.Emotional aims:To lead students to foster the healthy and different kinds of hobbies.
Important points:Help students to master the target language and the new words and expressions.
Difficult points:How to set the effective situations and tasks to apply the target language.
Teaching methods:
Task-based teaching methodxommunicative methodxontent-based teaching niethod,audio-visual teaching method.
Teaching aid:The computer.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 .Warming up:
Listen to the song of “penguin's game gelato".
Free talk with students: "We've listened to music just now,do you like listening to music?I like listening to music too,so I can say listening to music is my hobby"
Step -soIving:
1 .Teach and learn about the new words and phrases a pet dog,collect stam