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文档介绍:so that 、such that 、 so that 的用法练习题
一、用so, such, such a或 such an填空
He was excited that he couldn't get sleep.
This teacher is kind that we all like him.
There is much food in the refrigerator that we do’nt need to buy anything.
He ran quickly that I couldn't catch up with him.
This is interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it. is interesting book that we all enjoy reading it.
They are interesting books that we all enjoy reading them.
He has many books that I can't count them.
This is a funny story that we all enjoy listening to it.
There was much food that we couldn't eat it all.
I have little money that I cannot afford a car.
He is a good student that we all like him.
He is good a student that we all like him.
It was bad weather that he had to stay at home.
I've had many falls than I'm black and blue all over.
It’s not surprising that little worms eat little grain.
Tom is lazy boy that he never does anything.
You should not say things.
Whoever bought you ice cream?
It was amazing exhibition that I went twice.
二、填空(有的空可以填写多个词 )
The little boy saved every coin hecould buy his mother a present on Mother's day.
When the football fans saw Beckham, they got excited they cried out.
David was so careless that he didn't find the mistakes in his test paper. (变为简单句 )
David was careless find the mistakes i