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英语写作要诀twenty-word formula
专升本英语写作 信
I .观点类(适用于 My View on co I I ege students1 using cel I phones : Nowadays more and more
co I Iege students are using cel I phones. What do you think of that?)
① Different peopIe have different views on . Some people think that , while others
argue that .
As far as I am concerned, I agree with the For another,. Just think of , who Taking al I these factors into consideration, we may can we , just as the saying goes, .
② People's opinions are a I ways d i fferent once they
. They also firmly be Ii eved that.
Many peopIe think otherwise. On the one hand, .
My own opinion is that, in this fast-developing common and acceptabIe. If we want to , we have to
Recently it has become a common phenomenon for col lege Although it may br ing unfavorable consequences, we can favorable on the whole. To being with, . Moreover, We i gh i ng the pros and cons of such a new trend, we can
opinion. For one thing, I firmly
safe Iy come to the cone I us i on
talk about
・ Those who
the other hand, information
. So why
be Iieved
that. Only if
ma i nta i n that
era, has become more than not ?
be sure to cone Iude . In the third naturally arr ive at
In this way9 .
that this practice is place, .
the conclusion that it is
beneficial and rewarding. This system not only, but also .
has been part of university education for many years. After careful observation, we can find that it i s more comp Ii cated than we have thought. On the whole, I should say are necessary for our educational system. On the one hand,
? On the other hand, .
To make do the job, however, we have to make sure of several points below. For one thing, we should . For another, we shouId not .
is an important part of co I Iege education. Only by planning it wisely and conduct i ng it reasonably can we make best use of