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Setting up an appraisal scheme
Appraisals can be a wonderful opportunity for your staff tofocus on their jobs and make plans to develop their unusedpotential. (0) ..........So, if you have decided that an appraisalscheme should be set up in your company, you need toestablish some formal procedures and make some decisionsbefore you begin. Even if your company already has a scheme,you need to consider what you want to achieve and how youare going to do this.
First of all, you need to decide on your key objectives and the real purpose of yourscheme.(8).............A scheme should never be introduced at a time of redundancies, or simply forprofit or competitive edge, because this will create fear and alienate staff. The next step is to decidehow the scheme can most successfully be managed. It is essential that all senior staff arecommitted to the process and willing to make a positive contribution.
The person given responsibility for designing the scheme and the appraisal forms needs tohave knowledge of all roles within the organisation. He or she must also be aware of employees'potential needs. (9).............It should be someone who is trusted and whom staff will turn to if theyare concerned about their appointed appraiser or the appraisal interview. The design of the schemeshould indicate who will be appr