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has been a lot of _______ prejudice in American .
A) realistic
B) racial
C) recycled
D) rebellious
is an incurable idealist; it's unlike to help him come down to earth and be more _______.
A) realistic
B) racial
C) recycled
D) rebellious
3. The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more ______ .
A) realistic
B) racial
C) recycled
D) rebellious
4. Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily _______ once they are dumped.
A) realistic
B) racial
C) recycled
D) rebellious
goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a _______ customer.
A) reliable
B) regular
C) reluctant
D) religious
keep health, we have to keep _______ hours.
A) reliable
B) regular
C) reluctant
D) religious
might not be always trustworthy, but dogs are; they have long been regarded as the most _______ company of human beings.
A) reliable
B) regular
C) reluctant
D) religious
is not just a _______ holiday now. People other than Christians also celebrate it.
A) reliable
B) regular
C) reluctant
D) religious
he is in financial difficulties, he is _______ to accept my offer of the loan of twenty thousand dollars.
A) reliable
B) regular
C) reluctant
D) religious
the mutiny, the captain of the merchant ship was left behind in some _______ island in the Pacific Ocean.
A) residential
B) remote
C) risky
D) ridiculous
factory must be torn down because it is not allowed in _______ area.
A) residential
B) remote
C) risky
D) ridiculous
cowboy looked ________ in that strangelooking hat.
A) residential


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