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Should cities offer free public WIFI access to their citizens despite its high cost?
Many cities all over the world are implementing free public wifi networks. Should internet access become a human right? Find a list of cities with free wifi and join the discussion on the pros and cons of providing this service.
Should cities offer free public WIFI access?
The Internet is becoming so important in our lives that many people consider Internet access as important as water or power supply. Some even argue that internet access should be declared a human right because it enables people to educate themselves, access job offers, and connect with other people. However, in many places, cell phone contracts and data allowances are very expensive, so people with lower incomes may be unable to access the Internet, which negatively affects their ability to improve their situation. The (lack of) Internet can create a very deep divide in some societies and contribute to the persistence of inequality and poverty. This is why many analysts and advocates of economic and social development claim that cities should offer free public WiFi access to everyone. Currently, many cities all over the world are already providing this service to their citizens in many public places. But there are also costs and risks t